
Getting Your Cat to Sleep Through the Night

Many cat owners complain of their pets wandering around at night, meowing and whining loudly instead of settling down or sleeping. If you’d like to try and get your cat to sleep through the night, try your Richmond veterinarian’s advice:

Visit the Vet

First things first: pay a visit to your veterinarian’s office. There’s a chance that your cat’s behavior is caused by pain or discomfort from a disorder of some kind. This is especially likely if your cat seems to whine during the day as well as the night. Your vet can rule out any medical issues, allowing you to move on to other options.

Play Before Bed

Try tiring your cat out shortly before bedtime so she sleeps longer at night. Time it so that your cat has a hefty play session shortly before you go to bed. Use toys or romp around on the floor with your cat. Once your cat has worked up a sweat, let her rest while you go to bed. With any luck, she’ll be zonked out shortly and let you sleep in peace!

Feed Before Bed

Since cats love to nap after a meal, feeding your cat her dinner a bit before bedtime can work well to get your cat to sleep. Remember that the meal shouldn’t be too large, though; if a cat eats a huge meal then sleeps, she’ll just gain weight. Consult your veterinarian for further advice on timing your cat’s evening meals just right.

Daytime Activity

What your cat’s doing in the daytime may directly affect how she’s acting at night. A cat that lays around sleeping all day may be very awake and active at night, so try increasing the activity level through the day. If you’re not home, leave plenty of toys, obstacles, and other items for your cat to entertain herself with.

If you still can’t seem to get your cat to leave you alone at night, call your Richmond vet’s office. He or she can offer more great suggestions or even put you in touch with an animal trainer or behavior specialist who can help.

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